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Derrick Hyperpool Shaker Screen Replacements

Derrick Hyperpool Shaker Screen Replacements

Replacement screens for Derrick Hyperpool shale shakers, featuring pyramid-type design and hook strip structure. Manufactured in China under API Q1 and ISO 9001:2015 quality systems, fully compliant with API RP 13C standards. Mesh available in SS304 or SS316 stainless steel, with fine or coarse wire options.

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These shaker screen replacements are engineered for use with Derrick Hyperpool shale shakers. Featuring a high-capacity pyramid (PMD) design and hook strip frame, they offer solid performance for fluid control and solids removal on drilling rigs.

Each screen is manufactured in China and tested according to API RP 13C. It is produced under ISO 9001:2015 and API Q1-certified processes. The screen mesh is available in SS304 or SS316 stainless steel, with wires of both fine and coarse diameter to suit different drilling formations and mud conditions.

Specifications & Features

Item Specification
Compatible Shaker Derrick Hyperpool Series
Screen Dimensions 570 × 1070 mm
Frame Type Hook strip
Mesh Range (API) API 20 – API 325
Wire Material SS304 / SS316 stainless steel
Screen Type Pyramid (PMD)
Manufacturing Origin China
Quality Standards API RP 13C, ISO 9001:2015, API Q1

Ordering Guide

  • Shaker Compatibility: Confirm your shaker model is Derrick Hyperpool.
  • API Screen Number: Specify the API grade (e.g., API 140) or required D100 cut point.
  • Screen Type: Pyramid (PMD) screen only.
  • Mesh Option: Choose fine or coarse wire mesh depending on drilling fluid and formation.
  • Quantity & Delivery: Indicate total quantity per API size, shipping address, and delivery timeline. OEM branding and export documentation available upon request.

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