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China Marks Significant Advance in Deepwater Drilling

Deep Sea No.1

A Major Achievement in Offshore Engineering

In a remarkable advancement in offshore engineering, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has completed the drilling of the A12 well, a part of its ambitious “Deep Sea No.1” project. This well, positioned about 180 kilometers southeast of Hainan Island and at a depth of nearly 1,000 meters underwater, has set a new national record with its formation pressure exceeding 69 megapascals. This pressure is a thousand times greater than that of a standard household pressure cooker, illustrating the monumental scale of this achievement.

Deep Sea No.1
Deep Sea No.1

Overcoming Deepwater Challenges

The second phase of the “Deep Sea No.1” project, where the A12 well is located, faced numerous challenges due to the complex geological conditions of its deepwater environment. Dealing with high temperatures and extreme pressures, this project stands as China’s first deepwater high-pressure initiative. It includes 12 underwater gas wells, three of which are deepwater high-pressure wells. Among these, the A12 well posed the highest risk and presented the most significant development challenges, thus making its completion a noteworthy feat.

Deep Sea No.1 project
Deep Sea No.1 project

Impressive Drilling Depth and Progress

The drilling depth of the A12 well surpassed 4,300 meters, contributing significantly to the project’s total drilling length of over 50,000 meters, equivalent to the height of six Mount Everest. This impressive depth and the 90% completion rate of the drilling operations lay a solid foundation for the project’s scheduled production, indicating a swift and efficient advancement in the project timeline.

Staff checking drilling materials for 'Deep Sea No.1' project's deepwater wells.
Staff checking drilling materials for ‘Deep Sea No.1’ project’s deepwater wells.

Boosting Annual Gas Production

Upon its commencement, the “Deep Sea No.1” phase two project is expected to greatly enhance China’s annual gas production, with estimates exceeding 4.5 billion cubic meters. The gas field boasts a proven geological reserve of over a trillion cubic meters. With maximum water depths exceeding 1,500 meters and well depths over 4,000 meters, this project marks a significant milestone in China’s journey of deepwater exploration. Since the operational start of its first phase on June 25, 2021, the project is set to increase both the gas reserves and the peak annual production, signaling a major boost to the nation’s energy sector.


This development in the “Deep Sea No.1” project showcases China’s growing capabilities in deepwater oil and gas exploration and marks a significant step forward in the global field of energy development. The successful completion of the A12 well demonstrates China’s technological prowess and commitment to enhancing its energy resources, setting a new benchmark in the field of deepwater drilling.

Date: December 14, 2023
Source: CCTV News

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